
Still Smokefree!

Tobacco flower, leaves, and buds

Image via Wikipedia

I am still going strong! I have been smoke-free entirely, and I haven’t slipped once so far.

Of course part of that might be due to all the complications I’ve had with my depression meds. Including body cramping, which could mean that it wasn’t the nicotine patches. Or perhaps it was a combination of the two, since it was far worse in the biceps then it is now. But I’ve done more then my fair share of sleeping, and getting absolutely NOTHING done.

But smoke-free I am, and hoping to continue onwards. I have had some mild weight gain, I’m now currently 142.4 lbs. Though that could be from the lack of movement as well. One thing I’ve noticed is a smokey taste in the back of my throat. I’m hoping that it goes away soon, but its been there for about a month now. Its far worse when I wake up then during the day, and I can only assume it is from my lungs cleaning themselves.

Hope everyone else that is quitting smoking is doing well out there! Chime in and let me know how you are doing. :)

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Quitting Smoking Resource

i quit!

Image by stallio via Flickr

I’ve built a Squidoo Lens for quitting smoking. On it I’ve listed several resources, sites, information, as well as make it easy to purchase quitting smoking aids if you are thinking about quitting.

Quitting Smoking Resource

Go ahead and check it out. You can comment on either Quitting Smoking Resource or here on the blog. Input is greatly appreciated, as well as any recommendations for anything dealing with quitting smoking.

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QST: Day Nine & Day Ten – Cold Turkey

Things are most definitely getting easier.  Besides the over reaching smell of nicotine that I just cannot shake no matter what I do.  Frankly I doubt it will ever fully disappear, since this place has seen years upon years of smokers.  I’m just hoping to get it down to a dull roar…barely noticeable.

I had a serious coughing fit last night, but my lungs seem clearer now.  Part of that might have been exercise induced.  My ears are still going numb, which is annoying, but it seems to have improved.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed lately, due to migraine headaches.  Not sure if its caused by my normal tree pollen allergy or if its partly due to the quitting.  My tree pollen migraines do not usually have me bedridden.  But that’s why the posts have come in twos lately. :)

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QST: Day 7 & Day 8 – Cold Turkey

smoke free

Image by rp_poly_cuh via Flickr

This was the first year I have been smoke free on my birthday since I was 12.  What an awesome feeling that is.

My lungs started to really hurt Friday night, and they are still full and feeling yucky.  My ears have been going numb off and on for the past week, which is odd.  And rather annoying as well.  Either I have a pinched nerve, or my circulation is a bit wacky right now.

I’m still loaded with nervous energy, but not accomplishing a lot.  I’m having issues focusing the energy into anything productive.  I’ve started breaking out, which so far is NOT my most favorite side effect.

Current weight: 138lbs

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QST: Day Six – Cold Turkey


Image by HeyThereSpaceman. via Flickr

I figured out some of my irritation and craving for a cigarette.  I’m hormonal.  Apparently that really does make a difference.  And accounts for a few other symptoms as well.

I continue to resist the siren call of cigarettes, even though I can detect even the faintest amount of nicotine in the air.  I survived my first real test today, as it was one of those days where normally I would either smoke like a chimney, or someone would be six feet under.  In pieces.  I didn’t smoke, and no one is dead!

I’d say I did good, hormonal AND quitting smoking?

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QST: Day Five – Cold Turkey

A Woolworths supermarket cigarette counter in ...

Image via Wikipedia

I’m still smoke-free, though the craving is sitting on my back like a monkey. Maybe I’m thinking about it too much, or I’m hormonal…I don’t know. I don’t really want a cigarette, but I do, you know?

My lungs started hurting again, and I’m coughing more. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing right now. There are colds running around, so maybe I caught one. Or I have allergies. I’ve really been living on cough drops though!

I’ve been having a much easier time falling asleep then normal. It usually takes me anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to fall asleep, but lately I’ve been sleeping before hitting that 30 minute marker. Which is GREAT! And very nice not to be staring at a clock for quite some time before falling asleep. Although I have noticed that my sleep is far easier to disturb then normal. Guess its a tradeoff?

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